
Wednesday evening study group meets from 6.00 to  715pm, and at present comprises five people.  Contact:: Colin Price   info@songbirdpress.biz

The Ita Wegman Study Group meets every second Saturday @ 3 pm. Our main study is from Steiner's Karmic Relationships with short companion readings of other anthroposophical books.

Contact:  Mariyn Lange (langemj@gmail.com) or Patricia Truman (patriciatruman@hotmail.com)


Yiana said...

Hi friends. There is a long-time study group in Duncan, B.C. which comprises 8 regular members. This is a separate group from the one mentioned here, separate only by timing needs. We are in the process of naming the longtime group. At present we are studying the Karma lectures. We have been doing spiritual vigil for young Georgia Truman Klap, a young Anthroposophist and strong environmentalist who was well known to the young people of the YIP group in Jarna, Sweden, as well as internationally. Georgia died in a house fire in March. There is another Anthroposphical group on Gabriola Island, not far from here. Duncan also has a regular First Class meeting of about 8 people.

Yiana said...

Thank-you for this new on-line blog for us to communicate more easily across the country. It is a strange anomoly, but it is current to the reality of our times.

Josef Graf said...

Hi all,
We now have actually 4 or more study groups in the Duncan area, depending how you count them.

One main thrust is by White Wolf Anthroposophical Studies:

viewable through this link:


Have a look.

Kim said...

On Salt Spring Island we have a study group that has been meeting weekly year-round on Tuesdays at Kim Hunter's home. Currently we are studying the lecture cycles on the gospels, we've completed Mark, Luke and Matthew and are now reading the lectures on St.John's gospel. There have been transient members of the group as our island in general tends to be transient, but there are three of us who form the core.
Contact: Kim Hunter 250-538-0246