
Thornhill Group
Contact Mark McAlister
416-570-2279 (mobile)

Upcoming events in 2015:

Michaelmas Festival Events

♦ 11 February:  Village Market and TWS at Vaughan Small Bus Expo
14 February: Hesperus Benefit Concert
7 March: Seedy Saturday (Village Market)

16-18 April: Workshop with Christopher and Signe Schaefer.  Flyer.

15-17 May: Society Annual General Meeting. Flyer.

19-21 June:Foundations of Meditative Practice. Workshop with Lisa Romero.  Contact Jonah Evans

♦  30 June. Money For A Better World presents Christopher Houghton Budd, at Hesperus, 7pm.  Contact Richard Chomko.

6 - 24 July: RSCT Summer Festival.  Website

30 July - 2 Aug: Bodo von Plato and Arie van Ameringen

29 September: Community Michaelmas events at Hesperus.

1-3 October: Joan Sleigh.  Contact Regine Kurek

23-25 October: Philosophy Conference and Mystery Drama (1)

♦ 1 November: Mystery Drama (2)

6-7 November:  Waldorf Development Conference (RSCT)

♦ Gateways conference: In preparation (TWS)

2014 Newsletters:

September Update

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