- by Mark McAlister
INVITATION - All members and friends are invited to the Arscura Opening for a Michaelmas celebration. Wednesday September 29, 7-9pm at 901 Rutherford Rd. in Thornhill.
ANOTHER INVITATION - The Michael Group will resume its regular meeting on Tuesday October 5 at 8pm in our Library at Hesperus. For details, please contact Mark McAlister (905-883-3409), Heidi Vukovich (905-927-2286) or Antje Ghaznavi (905-893-0507)
SOME BACKGROUND - In my (somewhat personal) reflections about the Michael Group, I found it helpful to look at 33-year periods.
1942-1975: The "Toronto Group of the Anthroposophical Society" began its work in March, 1942. Work intensified in the 1950s with the incorporation of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada and the formation of the "Michael Group". Members of the Michael Group not only cultivated the esoteric substance of Anthroposophy, but organized many public events and outreach activities. When I joined the Society in 1974, I really felt I was joining "something". The "living being of Anthroposophia" was somehow tangible.
1975 - 2008. Not long after I joined, Elizabeth Lebret decided to start a study group in Thornhill. The Michael Group was never officially closed, and there were many attempts to re-form and re-structure it. (The current Michael Group was constituted in Thornhill in 1991.) However, I felt that Anthroposophia began to withdraw at the time when Elizabeth withdrew. Still, I felt that Anthroposophia was appearing in other places, in the founding of initiatives such as the Toronto Waldorf School, Rudolf Steiner Centre, and Hesperus, for example. However, we have not been conscientious in our relationship with her, and it seems that she is withdrawing again.
2008 - :When I started working in the Library in 2008, I felt that, although Anthroposophia has been withdrawing, she has not given up totally on us. She is waiting for us to bring new questions to her. What questions would we like to ask her?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wanderseminar in Iceland - June 30 to July 14, 2010
- by Louise (Ineke) Rosch
The Whitehorse Conference in 2009 helped to open a path for me to see anthroposophy in a new light, a path to spirituality that was particularly suited for me. As a consequence of attending the Whitehorse conference, and through a case of mistaken identity, I received an email with a personal invitation and information on the ‘Wanderseminar in Iceland’, long before anyone I knew was aware of the conference. I was immediately hooked and felt very strongly that it was my destiny to be present in Iceland.
To be able to be a part of this experience has had a changing effect on my personal life. The positive, open and true spiritual presence that developed in the group had a great deal to do with this.
Upon arrival in Iceland the participants met at the Waldorf School, founded and run by our hosts, Gudjon Arnason and Kerstin Anderson. The School is located a 15-minute ride outside Reykjavik in a beautiful peaceful valley of flowers and trees (a rarity in Iceland). Here we could already feel that this was a special place, holding an amazingly deep warmth, far deeper than a physical warm.
We ‘camped’ out on mattresses on the floor in the classrooms. Breakfast was prepared and served by Kerstin and her daughters. In addition, bread and cheese, and coffee or tea were provided so we could prepare our own lunches, for the adventure trip of the day. Gudjon drove us to our destination in the school’s bus and Kerstin provided us with the legends and descriptions of the places we saw along the way. Each bus trip ended in a hike or walk into the wonderful landscape. We experienced the forces of nature as we encountered the rivers (to be crossed without the benefit of bridges), waterfalls, mountains to be scaled, hot springs, geysers, glaciers, old lava flows, basalt columns, obsidian formations, and signs of volcanic activity. Everywhere you could see how grasses and flowers pushed vigorously through the newly fallen volcanic ash. We became aware that this island was a ‘young’ formation, constantly changing as the fiery lava, flowing so near the surface melted the glaciers from below, heating the water to create hot springs, rivers, and waterfalls.
In the evening, after a delicious dinner (often prepared by Solveig), Gudjon provided us with a talk on the Edda and the Norse Gods and how they relate to the hierarchical beings. These were long and wonderful days. Time seemed to lose any meaning in the far northern late summer daylight and our energy levels remained high.
Conference at Solheimar July 7 to July 14
The week of the conference we lived in great comfort. We had beds with sheets and showers available to us. These were luxuries everyone had done without and never a negative word was spoken. The most important thing was that in the previous week we had become comrades. We had developed spiritual ties as we experienced each other, Iceland and the ancient gods, under the loving guidance of Gudjon and Kerstin on our many adventures.
We started each morning with a talk by Nick Thomas on the Spiritual hierarchies - motives and reflections. Only on July 10, Nick Thomas changed his topic spontaneously to ‘Mysteries of how Christ incarnated into the Human form’; this was to clarify a question that had arisen during a previous talk. This amazed me! It was such a great talk coming from the soul.
Nick Thomas’ talk was followed by breakfast. This wasn’t so much because a full tummy doesn’t study well; it was more a matter of logistics, giving the girls time to prepare our breakfast without having to get up at 4 in the morning. After breakfast, we participated in singing led by Magne Skrede and his student Robin Sondergaard.
This was followed by an hour-long lecture. Hartwig Schiller from Denmark spoke on how the Goths contributed to the rebirth of European culture using Theoderic’s mosaic as one example. Harald Haakstad from Norway spoke about Thor as the giver of the ‘I’ and the strongest and mightiest angel. (closer to the human soul than Odin), Frode Barkved from Norway spoke about Baldur, a divining of the coming Christ, Fritz Burger from the Netherlands studied ancient languages and how they relate to the old myths such as the Edda, and on Friday Oscar B. Hansen from Denmark talked about the meaning of “The Mission of the Folk Souls’ for us today.
Then to our individual workshops: I participated in a ‘clowning’ workshop lead by Dawn Nilo. This was an excellent workshop for me. I grew in self confidence and learned the value of being aware of and sensitized to my surroundings in a way I have never experienced before. I am able to carry what I learned into my daily life.
In the afternoon we had an optional conversation group to reflect on the morning lectures. In the evening we had various gatherings, short trips or cultural activities.
Coffee breaks, lunch and supper constituted a welcome between the activities. These were always a wonderful creation by Solveig, Gudjon or Kerstin.
An important part of a conference is the exchange of ideas and thoughts, especial in a spiritual way with others who have a common anthroposophical background. There was plenty of time during coffee breaks, meals, bus trips and hikes to exchange ideas. These exchanges have been of great help and some have put me onto the right path for me to continue my own search for spiritual truths.
We were kept very busy and the time to reflect on all we experienced continues even today. I want to express my deep gratitude to the Anthroposophists of Iceland, a group of only 20 members, for having organized for us such a well planned and rich conference.
The Whitehorse Conference in 2009 helped to open a path for me to see anthroposophy in a new light, a path to spirituality that was particularly suited for me. As a consequence of attending the Whitehorse conference, and through a case of mistaken identity, I received an email with a personal invitation and information on the ‘Wanderseminar in Iceland’, long before anyone I knew was aware of the conference. I was immediately hooked and felt very strongly that it was my destiny to be present in Iceland.
To be able to be a part of this experience has had a changing effect on my personal life. The positive, open and true spiritual presence that developed in the group had a great deal to do with this.
Upon arrival in Iceland the participants met at the Waldorf School, founded and run by our hosts, Gudjon Arnason and Kerstin Anderson. The School is located a 15-minute ride outside Reykjavik in a beautiful peaceful valley of flowers and trees (a rarity in Iceland). Here we could already feel that this was a special place, holding an amazingly deep warmth, far deeper than a physical warm.
We ‘camped’ out on mattresses on the floor in the classrooms. Breakfast was prepared and served by Kerstin and her daughters. In addition, bread and cheese, and coffee or tea were provided so we could prepare our own lunches, for the adventure trip of the day. Gudjon drove us to our destination in the school’s bus and Kerstin provided us with the legends and descriptions of the places we saw along the way. Each bus trip ended in a hike or walk into the wonderful landscape. We experienced the forces of nature as we encountered the rivers (to be crossed without the benefit of bridges), waterfalls, mountains to be scaled, hot springs, geysers, glaciers, old lava flows, basalt columns, obsidian formations, and signs of volcanic activity. Everywhere you could see how grasses and flowers pushed vigorously through the newly fallen volcanic ash. We became aware that this island was a ‘young’ formation, constantly changing as the fiery lava, flowing so near the surface melted the glaciers from below, heating the water to create hot springs, rivers, and waterfalls.
In the evening, after a delicious dinner (often prepared by Solveig), Gudjon provided us with a talk on the Edda and the Norse Gods and how they relate to the hierarchical beings. These were long and wonderful days. Time seemed to lose any meaning in the far northern late summer daylight and our energy levels remained high.
Conference at Solheimar July 7 to July 14
The week of the conference we lived in great comfort. We had beds with sheets and showers available to us. These were luxuries everyone had done without and never a negative word was spoken. The most important thing was that in the previous week we had become comrades. We had developed spiritual ties as we experienced each other, Iceland and the ancient gods, under the loving guidance of Gudjon and Kerstin on our many adventures.
We started each morning with a talk by Nick Thomas on the Spiritual hierarchies - motives and reflections. Only on July 10, Nick Thomas changed his topic spontaneously to ‘Mysteries of how Christ incarnated into the Human form’; this was to clarify a question that had arisen during a previous talk. This amazed me! It was such a great talk coming from the soul.
Nick Thomas’ talk was followed by breakfast. This wasn’t so much because a full tummy doesn’t study well; it was more a matter of logistics, giving the girls time to prepare our breakfast without having to get up at 4 in the morning. After breakfast, we participated in singing led by Magne Skrede and his student Robin Sondergaard.
This was followed by an hour-long lecture. Hartwig Schiller from Denmark spoke on how the Goths contributed to the rebirth of European culture using Theoderic’s mosaic as one example. Harald Haakstad from Norway spoke about Thor as the giver of the ‘I’ and the strongest and mightiest angel. (closer to the human soul than Odin), Frode Barkved from Norway spoke about Baldur, a divining of the coming Christ, Fritz Burger from the Netherlands studied ancient languages and how they relate to the old myths such as the Edda, and on Friday Oscar B. Hansen from Denmark talked about the meaning of “The Mission of the Folk Souls’ for us today.
Then to our individual workshops: I participated in a ‘clowning’ workshop lead by Dawn Nilo. This was an excellent workshop for me. I grew in self confidence and learned the value of being aware of and sensitized to my surroundings in a way I have never experienced before. I am able to carry what I learned into my daily life.
In the afternoon we had an optional conversation group to reflect on the morning lectures. In the evening we had various gatherings, short trips or cultural activities.
Coffee breaks, lunch and supper constituted a welcome between the activities. These were always a wonderful creation by Solveig, Gudjon or Kerstin.
An important part of a conference is the exchange of ideas and thoughts, especial in a spiritual way with others who have a common anthroposophical background. There was plenty of time during coffee breaks, meals, bus trips and hikes to exchange ideas. These exchanges have been of great help and some have put me onto the right path for me to continue my own search for spiritual truths.
We were kept very busy and the time to reflect on all we experienced continues even today. I want to express my deep gratitude to the Anthroposophists of Iceland, a group of only 20 members, for having organized for us such a well planned and rich conference.
Spiritual Science Research Centre
The composition of Raphael's "School of Athens" is balanced - and dynamic. If Raphael were to visit one of today's "think-tanks", he would no doubt paint a picture with very different qualities - polarized and rigid.
The Spiritual Science Research Centre provides an alternative. It is a place where researchers can meet, collaborate, and prepare to launch new projects. Resources include meeting space, coaching (aka encouragement!), help with literature searches, and a lending library.
The Centre is located in our Library in the lower level of the Hesperus Building. Visitors and potential collaborators are always welcome. Contact Mark McAlister.
Whitsun, 2010----->Easter, 2011
by Michael Roboz
Jupiter and Saturn have special "conversations", officially known as conjunctions and oppositions. For these two planets, the outermost of which can still be seen with the naked eye; oppositions occur every twenty years. This comes about because Saturn takes nearly thirty years (29.9) to pass through the zodiac, while Jupiter requires only twelve. Hence, every twenty years, Jupiter overtakes Saturn.
Between each conjunction conversation, another kind of interaction takes place in-between. The beings of Saturn, the Thrones (Spirits of Will), and the beings of Jupiter, the Kyriotetes (Spirits of Wisdom) converse across the universe, the physical orbs appear to be opposite to each other from the geocentric point of view. In our time, in the space of 1.3 years, this will manifest three times. First, on Whitsunday, May 23, 2010; then on August 16, 2010, during the great Mich-aelic meteor showers, and finally at Easter on March 28, 2011.
The remarkable thing about this heavenly display is that the when in the first opposition, Saturn is in Virgin, while Jupiter is in Fishes. The second time around, it is the opposite scenario. Then, they switch again. It appears that the Earth is acting like a fulcrum around which they pivot. (In actuality, they aren't pivoting around the Earth, it only appears to be the case.) The other planetary beings also have a say in the interaction. Mars, Venus and Mercury are in a half circle above the "opposition ecliptic"
For the second cosmic display, almost all the planets are in a line along the "oppositional ecliptic" From Virgin, we have Saturn, going along to Fishes, there is Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, and then after Jupiter in Fishes, is Uranus. Then, for the third event, almost all the planets are bunched up with Jupiter in Fishes., but all more or less in a row. On the Virgin side, with Saturn, only the Moon. With Jupiter, there is Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus.
What are the impulses that the two hierarchical beings are trying to instill into humanity's global will? The Saturn Throne-beings guard the past and remember past evolution. The Jupiter-Kyriotetes transform the past into positive future. Humanity needs to prepare for the next stage of earth evolution, the future 'Jupiter'. The other planetary beings also enter, first more with Saturn in Virgin, and then for the third time with Jupiter, in the Fishes, the Sign of the Christ. Mars, cosmically wills the impulse to be carried out by humankind with a healthful harmony. These great Beings are challenging us in this critical time to create a new future, transforming the old.
Images: See below.
SternKalendar ; Ersheinungen suis Sternenhimmel, Ostern 2010-2011, Wolfgang, Mathematishe - Astromischen am Goetheanum, Philosophisch Anthroposophischer Verlag, Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, pp. 3-5. 2. "The Challenge of Saturn and Jupiter Beings, Straker, Hazel,Coleg ,idyr, Wales), Camphill Correspondence, Mar/Apr., 2010. pp.4-5.
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Whitsun, 23 May 2010 |
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13 August 2010 |
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Easter 28 March 2011 |
GEMS Update
Geographically Engaged Members Study Group (GEMS)
Margaret Shipman, a member of the Anthroposophical Society and participant in the Encircling Light Conference, is engaged in an initiative to support those around North America who have to study spiritual science on their own. In Margaret’s words: “The question of how to study together was answered by the knowledge that thoughts are real. If we study the same material at the same time and study on the same day, we are literally studying together. We light a red candle to remind us of each other and of our work together.”
This year the initiative is working with the theme “The Human Being”, and looks at man from both a physical and a soul/spiritual aspect. The textbook is Rudolf Steiner’s lecture series titled Study of Man. Margaret sends complementary material monthly for each chapter.
If you want to connect with this mode of study, you can contact Margaret at:
shipman2005@sbcglobal.net, or by phone at (323) 462-7703.
Margaret Shipman, a member of the Anthroposophical Society and participant in the Encircling Light Conference, is engaged in an initiative to support those around North America who have to study spiritual science on their own. In Margaret’s words: “The question of how to study together was answered by the knowledge that thoughts are real. If we study the same material at the same time and study on the same day, we are literally studying together. We light a red candle to remind us of each other and of our work together.”
This year the initiative is working with the theme “The Human Being”, and looks at man from both a physical and a soul/spiritual aspect. The textbook is Rudolf Steiner’s lecture series titled Study of Man. Margaret sends complementary material monthly for each chapter.
If you want to connect with this mode of study, you can contact Margaret at:
shipman2005@sbcglobal.net, or by phone at (323) 462-7703.
Vidar Foundation Update (September 2010)
Now completing its 10th year Vidar Foundation looks back on a series of very successful projects that have either been completed or are current.
For a brief report on Vidar’s history and accomplishments, click here.
To see Vidar’s Balance Sheet as at August 31, 2009, click here.
Recently we were able to extend a loan to the Vancouver congregation of the Christian Community for renovations to their manse which will provide rental income.
As of this writing, $77,000 of the monies entrusted to Vidar Foundation are working in initiatives promoting Vidar’s objectives. Looking towards the future, several projects are presently under consideration which will be reviewed by our board currently consisting of Hamo Hammond, Dr. Trevor Janz, Reinhard Rosch (Treasurer) and Ingrid Belenson (President and Secretary).
Vidar Foundation is ready to welcome new members who are able to contribute to this initiative in any way. For example, we are looking for someone who can set up a webpage. Also, we need individuals to help us develop this financial initiative further.
We look forward to your enquiries and/or commentaries.
Ingrid Belenson
210 Union Road
Spring Bay, ON P0P 2B0
Email: vidarfoundation@gmail.com
For a brief report on Vidar’s history and accomplishments, click here.
To see Vidar’s Balance Sheet as at August 31, 2009, click here.
Recently we were able to extend a loan to the Vancouver congregation of the Christian Community for renovations to their manse which will provide rental income.
As of this writing, $77,000 of the monies entrusted to Vidar Foundation are working in initiatives promoting Vidar’s objectives. Looking towards the future, several projects are presently under consideration which will be reviewed by our board currently consisting of Hamo Hammond, Dr. Trevor Janz, Reinhard Rosch (Treasurer) and Ingrid Belenson (President and Secretary).
Vidar Foundation is ready to welcome new members who are able to contribute to this initiative in any way. For example, we are looking for someone who can set up a webpage. Also, we need individuals to help us develop this financial initiative further.
We look forward to your enquiries and/or commentaries.
Ingrid Belenson
210 Union Road
Spring Bay, ON P0P 2B0
Email: vidarfoundation@gmail.com
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Vidar Foundation – A Brief History
- by Ingrid Belenson
In 1979, when Ernst Wilhelm Barkhoff, the founder of the GLS Bank in Bochum, Germany, introduced his audience in Toronto to a new way of working with money, e.g. community supported agriculture, loan and/or pledge communities in support of Waldorf Schools and other initiatives that are not self-serving, Helmut Krause established the Vidar Loan Community which he kept active until shortly before his untimely death. His wish had been to hand it over to a registered organization.
In 1979, when Ernst Wilhelm Barkhoff, the founder of the GLS Bank in Bochum, Germany, introduced his audience in Toronto to a new way of working with money, e.g. community supported agriculture, loan and/or pledge communities in support of Waldorf Schools and other initiatives that are not self-serving, Helmut Krause established the Vidar Loan Community which he kept active until shortly before his untimely death. His wish had been to hand it over to a registered organization.
At the same time, a group of members and non-members met to explore various possibilities for working with money; and establishing a credit union was one of them. Another visit of GLS Bank members in the mid 90s at the Sunnivue Farm near London, Ontario, fanned new interest in establishing a vehicle for a money initiative and a new study group began, but both attempts remained in the theoretical realm.
During the 1997 Ann Arbor conference I decided to take a mini-sabbatical to pursue this idea. I spoke with Rolf Kerler, our treasurer at the Goetheanum at that time. He made it possible for me to visit over a period of two months the Goetheanum and the anthroposophical bank (BCL) in Dornach as well as the GLS Bank in Bochum, and to work and travel with the treasurer of the Anthroposophical Society in Germany to visit various initiatives that needed financing.
Rolf Kerler suggested that I start with a project and when I returned to Canada, moving to Ottawa in August 1998, the first project presented itself: The Ottawa Waldorf School needed to expand and the community decided to start with the first phase of its permanent building. Since an additional $40,000 needed to be raised, I suggested forming a pledge and loan guarantee group that over three years would pay back the loans obtained against those pledges and guarantees. For a small school with 55 students it was quite an achievement to reach that goal. Finding the loan money was an easy task, and as this project became known, more loan money was offered than the school could accept. The kindergarten wing was built; the enrolment of the school more than doubled within a year.
In April of 2001 Vidar Foundation registered as a Non-Profit organization and received its Letters Patent from Industry Canada. Its initial directors were: Chris Heintz, Timothy Nadelle and myself. Hamo Hammond and Reinhard Rosch joined the following year and we began the process of receiving charitable status with the Federal Government which was granted in November of 2003.
We are very grateful to the friends who have put their trust in Vidar, supporting our work with loan and gift money. Most of the entrusted monies to Vidar Foundation are presently working in initiatives promoting the objectives of Vidar Foundation, e.g. ROSE (a Land Care Association for Sunnivue Farm) in London, Ontario; La Grande Ourse – a Waldorf Toy Store in Montreal,Quebec; and The Christian Community Congregation in Vancouver,B.C. Gift monies (with no tax receipts) were sent to Stuttgart,Germany, to help a student continue with Eurythmy studies.
All loans extended by Vidar Foundation are secured by either loan guarantees or mortgages.
Vidar Foundation’s current board members are: Hamo Hammond, Director; Dr.Trevor Janz, Director; Reinhard Rosch, Treasurer and Ingrid Belenson, President/Secretary.
Contact information: Email: vidarfoundation@gmail.com
Ingrid Belenson Reinhard Rosch
210 UnionRoad P.O. Box 437
Spring Bay, ON P0P 2B0 Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0
Telephone and fax: 705-282-8509 Telephone and fax: 613-838-2639
Ingrid Belenson Reinhard Rosch
210 UnionRoad P.O. Box 437
Spring Bay, ON P0P 2B0 Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0
Telephone and fax: 705-282-8509 Telephone and fax: 613-838-2639
A Land Trust for Bio-Dynamic Farming Wants to be Born
- by Alexandra-Barbara Gunther
A farm of 155 acres (about 65 hectares) near Iron Bridge in northern Ontario is being offered for two purposes:
- to form a land trust that would hold this farm for bio-dynamic agricultural use in perpetuity
A farm of 155 acres (about 65 hectares) near Iron Bridge in northern Ontario is being offered for two purposes:
- to form a land trust that would hold this farm for bio-dynamic agricultural use in perpetuity
- to attract a bio-dynamic farmer to connect with it and make the development of the farm his/her life work, in co-operation with the land trust
The farm has been used exclusively for hay for a number of years. About 30 acres are bush, and a small portion is wetlands. There is a large but modest house, with workshop and garage. The pump and water system are presently being upgraded, and the house has a wood stove and back-up baseboard heating. There is a barn with an open area and enclosed stalls for animals. There is also a small shed.
Iron Bridge (population 900) is located about 1 ¼ hours east of Sault Ste Marie, the nearest larger town. The region is mainly agricultural (mostly hay, cattle, horses), featuring gentle hills along a secondary highway (Hwy 546). It is dotted with lakes and offers fishing and canoe and hiking trails.
The small towns nearby have farmers markets. Within 40 km of the farm, there are several Amish and Mennonite farms and a thriving Alpaca farm.
A small group is forming to take this initiative to its next steps:
- finding members and supporters for the land trust, and, most importantly,
- finding the right farmer to take up this work
Alexandra Barbara Günther (Elliot Lake, Ontario) was fortunate to be able to purchase this farm and is donating it for the purposes stated. She was fortunate again, when Ingrid Belenson came forward and offered her help.
If you can see yourself connecting with this initiative in some way, please contact us.
Alexandra Barbara Günther
Tel:705-848-6080. Email: agunther@persona.ca
Ingrid Belenson
Tel: 705-282-8509. Email: ibelenson@gmail.com
From the Treasurer
Dear Friends,
With the kind help of France Beaucage and Mark McAlister I am transitioning into - and gaining familiarity with - the tasks of the Treasurer. I have also been getting familiar with the accounts and associated methods developed over the years. I am gaining confidence and enthusiasm to approach my tasks and calling as your Treasurer. I would like to thank the many members for the warm welcoming.
The movement and use of our money is very important, and I see that part of my task is to make this clear and visible through presentation of the accounts. The more this is achieved, the greater is the possibility that our efforts will be productive for our mission.
With my tasks in mind, and with the diligent help of Mark McAlister as our administrator, we have accomplished the following over the past summer:
• Tracked and reviewed the revenues and expenses, and compared these with our approved budget.
• Monitored the flow of membership contributions. (These have increased this year. I believe that this is a testament to the efforts and attention of Mark and others, connecting with members and making visible the work and future possibilities of our Society.)
• Gained a first-level familiarity with the Quickbooks accounting methods and features. Mark and I are investigating the possibility of using the budgeting feature to better integrate the budget to the accounting for a more streamlined and effective presentation.
• Evaluated the categories of the budget aand the way we conduct our budgeting process, funding, and, accounting presentation.
I invite all members to communicate their observations, feelings and thoughts regarding the money aspects of our Society. As Treasurer I am listening very carefully to what I hear and will respond in the best way possible.
Douglas Wylie
With the kind help of France Beaucage and Mark McAlister I am transitioning into - and gaining familiarity with - the tasks of the Treasurer. I have also been getting familiar with the accounts and associated methods developed over the years. I am gaining confidence and enthusiasm to approach my tasks and calling as your Treasurer. I would like to thank the many members for the warm welcoming.
The movement and use of our money is very important, and I see that part of my task is to make this clear and visible through presentation of the accounts. The more this is achieved, the greater is the possibility that our efforts will be productive for our mission.
With my tasks in mind, and with the diligent help of Mark McAlister as our administrator, we have accomplished the following over the past summer:
• Tracked and reviewed the revenues and expenses, and compared these with our approved budget.
• Monitored the flow of membership contributions. (These have increased this year. I believe that this is a testament to the efforts and attention of Mark and others, connecting with members and making visible the work and future possibilities of our Society.)
• Gained a first-level familiarity with the Quickbooks accounting methods and features. Mark and I are investigating the possibility of using the budgeting feature to better integrate the budget to the accounting for a more streamlined and effective presentation.
• Evaluated the categories of the budget aand the way we conduct our budgeting process, funding, and, accounting presentation.
I invite all members to communicate their observations, feelings and thoughts regarding the money aspects of our Society. As Treasurer I am listening very carefully to what I hear and will respond in the best way possible.
Douglas Wylie
Letter from Cornelius Pietzner (September 2010)
Dear Friends,
The summer draws gradually to a close. The out-breathing into the light and warmth, the inner and outer rejuvenation through the many gatherings, conferences and meetings gives renewed strength to turn to the main tasks belonging to our work. It would surely fill a few editions of Anthroposophy Worldwide to describe all the diverse conferences that have taken place, and the wonderful opportunities that the members of the Executive Council and the School of Spiritual Science have had to share, present and meet with Society members and friends all over the world, and on a broad spectrum of issues and themes.
However,(and with only a slight prejudice) allow me to mention one of the conference highlights at the Goetheanum this summer-- the Third International English Week. With the theme of "Meeting Crises as we enter the new Century" about 250 people from the English speaking world (and other countries) came to gether in early August at the Goetheanum. This was a week preceded by a simultaneous reading in English and presentation of the four Mystery Dramas. A number of guests took this opportunity to experience the new production of the Dramas. From the reports it was apparantly quite a success. The conference too, with extraordinarily high quality and balanced artistic events, rich lecture content and diverse workshops allowed participants to meet each other and experience the Goetheanum at its best. To have the Goetheanum (mostly) transformed into an English speaking center for this week, and to enjoy the prevailing warm and collegial mood, was an experience many commented positively on. In short, it was an appreciated and special event.
This autumn there will be many tasks, some of them quite challenging, to turn towards. With Michaelmas a few short weeks away, we enter the "season" with enthusiasm for our tasks and gratitude for what we are allowed to do. With best wishes for Michaelmas and the beginnings that it may bring.
Cornelius Pietzner
for the Executive Council
The summer draws gradually to a close. The out-breathing into the light and warmth, the inner and outer rejuvenation through the many gatherings, conferences and meetings gives renewed strength to turn to the main tasks belonging to our work. It would surely fill a few editions of Anthroposophy Worldwide to describe all the diverse conferences that have taken place, and the wonderful opportunities that the members of the Executive Council and the School of Spiritual Science have had to share, present and meet with Society members and friends all over the world, and on a broad spectrum of issues and themes.
However,(and with only a slight prejudice) allow me to mention one of the conference highlights at the Goetheanum this summer-- the Third International English Week. With the theme of "Meeting Crises as we enter the new Century" about 250 people from the English speaking world (and other countries) came to gether in early August at the Goetheanum. This was a week preceded by a simultaneous reading in English and presentation of the four Mystery Dramas. A number of guests took this opportunity to experience the new production of the Dramas. From the reports it was apparantly quite a success. The conference too, with extraordinarily high quality and balanced artistic events, rich lecture content and diverse workshops allowed participants to meet each other and experience the Goetheanum at its best. To have the Goetheanum (mostly) transformed into an English speaking center for this week, and to enjoy the prevailing warm and collegial mood, was an experience many commented positively on. In short, it was an appreciated and special event.
This autumn there will be many tasks, some of them quite challenging, to turn towards. With Michaelmas a few short weeks away, we enter the "season" with enthusiasm for our tasks and gratitude for what we are allowed to do. With best wishes for Michaelmas and the beginnings that it may bring.
Cornelius Pietzner
for the Executive Council
Letter from the General Secretary (September 2010)
Dear Friends,
On our west coast, the waning days of summer are bringing a fresh clarity as fall approaches. The smoke-tinged hue of the August sky has given way to a lucid blue as we draw in from the expanse of summer and return to ourselves.
Members and friends of the Society in Canada took part in several events over the summer months. One of these was the Wanderseminar in Iceland from late June to mid-July. Among the Canadians present, several had also participated in the Encircling Light conference in Whitehorse last summer. They report that their days in Iceland were good ones, especially the time spent entering into the Icelandic landscape. Louise Rosch gives a picture of her experience in this issue of Glimpses; other reports will come in subsequent issues. Having spent some days in Iceland in July 2008 and met the Icelandic members who laid the groundwork for this conference, I can bear witness to the devotion and energy they would have given toward making this a worthwhile event.
Others of us attended performances of Rudolf Steiner's four Mystery Dramas, and then the English Conference that followed them, Entering into the 21st Century Spiritually. The four days of the performances were very intense, yet having actors speak the German lines in English and French through earphones made it possible for the audience of those languages to enter fully into what was unfolding on the stage.
Penetrating the Mystery Dramas is a work of a lifetime and perhaps more than one lifetime. In my meeting of them on this occasion, I was especially struck by the certainty yet precariousness of our destiny encounters. Individual struggles come together in moments of profound resolution as those on stage find one another and karma comes to light...and then the moment of resolution falls into crisis as each new stage of development brings new choices to be made, new encounters with adversary powers and the possibility of losing touch with others on the path. Throughout this journey the temples of the past give way to the temples we create individually yet together within the situations of our everyday lives. With its minimal staging and superb use of lighting, and enlivened by eurythmy, this current production at the Goetheanum has enabled me to find a path into the Mystery Dramas.
Participants from Canada, the United States, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Britain and Ireland, Russia, continental Europe and Asia came together around the theme presentations, artistic and thematic workshops and very fine evening performances of the English Conference. It quickly became clear that no overarching gesture or theme could capture what it means to be spiritually alive and active in our time. Again, so much depended on the situations in which each of us finds himself or herself and one's readiness to listen within a theme presentation or workshop for that configuration of words, that thought or insight that could become a light along the path each one walks.
Virginia Sease and Cornelius Pietzner worked hard to make this 3rd International English Conference possible, along with their secretaries and all the staff at the Goetheanum, who said they were glad to welcome us and sorry to see us depart. We in the English-speaking countries owe these colleagues our thanks for what they have done on our behalf.
While at the Goetheanum, I learned of the death of Heather Rombough in Edmonton. I first met Heather in July 2008, two years after she had been hit by a truck--an accident from which she never fully recovered. Yet Heather was determined to take part in the Encircling Light Conference and made the journey to Whitehorse with her wheelchair in tow. Fellow participants who met her during that week were moved by her joy at being among us and her courage in living each day of the life left to her. Heather joined the Anthroposophical Society soon after the conference. Her friend Henriette van Hees of Edmonton will join with others in preparing a picture of Heather's life for an upcoming issue of Glimpses.
Finally the Class Holders in Canada welcome Elizabeth White in Guelph, Michael Chapitis in Toronto, and Arthur Osmond in Nova Scotia to the work of the Class Holder in their areas of the country.
Good thoughts to each of you and the work you will undertake on the path toward Michaelmas.
Philip Thatcher,
General Secretary
On our west coast, the waning days of summer are bringing a fresh clarity as fall approaches. The smoke-tinged hue of the August sky has given way to a lucid blue as we draw in from the expanse of summer and return to ourselves.
Members and friends of the Society in Canada took part in several events over the summer months. One of these was the Wanderseminar in Iceland from late June to mid-July. Among the Canadians present, several had also participated in the Encircling Light conference in Whitehorse last summer. They report that their days in Iceland were good ones, especially the time spent entering into the Icelandic landscape. Louise Rosch gives a picture of her experience in this issue of Glimpses; other reports will come in subsequent issues. Having spent some days in Iceland in July 2008 and met the Icelandic members who laid the groundwork for this conference, I can bear witness to the devotion and energy they would have given toward making this a worthwhile event.
Others of us attended performances of Rudolf Steiner's four Mystery Dramas, and then the English Conference that followed them, Entering into the 21st Century Spiritually. The four days of the performances were very intense, yet having actors speak the German lines in English and French through earphones made it possible for the audience of those languages to enter fully into what was unfolding on the stage.
Penetrating the Mystery Dramas is a work of a lifetime and perhaps more than one lifetime. In my meeting of them on this occasion, I was especially struck by the certainty yet precariousness of our destiny encounters. Individual struggles come together in moments of profound resolution as those on stage find one another and karma comes to light...and then the moment of resolution falls into crisis as each new stage of development brings new choices to be made, new encounters with adversary powers and the possibility of losing touch with others on the path. Throughout this journey the temples of the past give way to the temples we create individually yet together within the situations of our everyday lives. With its minimal staging and superb use of lighting, and enlivened by eurythmy, this current production at the Goetheanum has enabled me to find a path into the Mystery Dramas.
Participants from Canada, the United States, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Britain and Ireland, Russia, continental Europe and Asia came together around the theme presentations, artistic and thematic workshops and very fine evening performances of the English Conference. It quickly became clear that no overarching gesture or theme could capture what it means to be spiritually alive and active in our time. Again, so much depended on the situations in which each of us finds himself or herself and one's readiness to listen within a theme presentation or workshop for that configuration of words, that thought or insight that could become a light along the path each one walks.
Virginia Sease and Cornelius Pietzner worked hard to make this 3rd International English Conference possible, along with their secretaries and all the staff at the Goetheanum, who said they were glad to welcome us and sorry to see us depart. We in the English-speaking countries owe these colleagues our thanks for what they have done on our behalf.
While at the Goetheanum, I learned of the death of Heather Rombough in Edmonton. I first met Heather in July 2008, two years after she had been hit by a truck--an accident from which she never fully recovered. Yet Heather was determined to take part in the Encircling Light Conference and made the journey to Whitehorse with her wheelchair in tow. Fellow participants who met her during that week were moved by her joy at being among us and her courage in living each day of the life left to her. Heather joined the Anthroposophical Society soon after the conference. Her friend Henriette van Hees of Edmonton will join with others in preparing a picture of Heather's life for an upcoming issue of Glimpses.
Finally the Class Holders in Canada welcome Elizabeth White in Guelph, Michael Chapitis in Toronto, and Arthur Osmond in Nova Scotia to the work of the Class Holder in their areas of the country.
Good thoughts to each of you and the work you will undertake on the path toward Michaelmas.
Philip Thatcher,
General Secretary
Mot de secrétaire général (Septembre 2010)
Chers amis,
Ici sur la côte ouest les journées décroissantes de la fin de l'été apportent une clarté imprégnée de fraîcheur. Le ciel du mois d'août, tinté de fumée, a cédé la place à un bleu transparent maintenant que, après l'expansion vécue durant l'été, nous rentrons en nous-mêmes.
Des membres et amis de la Société au Canada ont participé à plusieurs événements durant la période estivale, dont le Wanderseminar en Islande, qui s'est déroulé de la fin juin à la mi-juillet. Quelques-uns des Canadiens présents à cet événement avaient également participé au congrès « Encircling Light » de Whitehorse l'été dernier. Ces individus racontent que les journées passées en Islande ont été fort bonnes, en particulier les moments où ils ont pu communier avec la nature islandaise. Louise Rosch nous offre une image de ses expériences dans ce numéro de Glimpses. D'autres comptes-rendus suivront dans les prochains numéros. Ayant moi-même passé quelques jours en Islande en juillet 2008, et ayant connu les membres islandais qui ont préparé le terrain pour ce congrès, je peux témoigner de la dévotion et de l'énergie qu'ils ont pu fournir pour que l'événement soit une expérience de qualité.
D'autres parmi nous avons assisté à la nouvelle mise en scène des quatre Drames-Mystères de Rudolf Steiner et avons participé au Congrès de langue anglaise « Entering into the 21st Century Spiritually » qui a suivi ces représentations. Les quatre journées de représentations ont été fort intenses, mais la traduction simultanée du texte allemand (avec écouteurs) a permis aux spectateurs anglophones et francophones de participer pleinement à ce qui se déroulait sur la scène.
Pénétrer au cœur des Drames-Mystères, c'est le travail de toute une vie, peut-être même de plusieurs vies. Cette-fois ci, lors de ma rencontre avec ces drames, j'ai été particulièrement frappé par le caractère à la fois inéluctable et précaire des rencontres karmiques. Des luttes individuelles intimes se rencontrent, produisant des moments d'une profonde résolution lorsque les personnages sur scène se retrouvent et que la destinée se révèle; et puis, le moment de résolution finit par s'effondrer en crise à mesure que chaque nouvelle étape de développement apporte de nouveaux choix, de nouvelles rencontres avec les puissances hostiles, et le danger de perdre tout contact avec les autres en chemin. Tout au long de ce voyage, les temples d’antan cèdent la place aux temples que nous créons, individuellement et avec d'autres, dans les situations de nos vies quotidiennes. Avec des décors minimalistes et un éclairage remarquable, et rendue encore plus vivante par l'eurythmie, la nouvelle production du Goetheanum m'a permis de trouver un chemin pour pénétrer dans les Drames-Mystères.
Lors du congrès de langue anglaise qui a suivi, des participants venus du Canada, des États-Unis, du Mexique, de la Nouvelle Zélande, de la Grande-Bretagne, de l’Irlande, de la Russie, de l’Europe continentale et de l’Asie, se sont réunis autour de présentations thématiques, d'ateliers artistiques et thématiques, et d'excellents spectacles en soirée. Il est devenu clair assez rapidement qu'aucun thème ne pouvait, à lui tout seul, englober tous les aspects de ce que veut dire être spirituellement vivant et spirituellement actif à notre époque. Encore une fois, tellement dépendait des situations dans lesquelles chacun de nous se trouvait, de notre volonté de nous ouvrir, durant les présentations thématiques et les ateliers, à ce que disait l'autre – à la configuration de ses mots, à sa pensée, à ses aperçus pénétrants – d'entendre enfin quelque chose qui puisse éclairer quelque peu le chemin que nous suivons comme individus.
Virginia Sease et Cornelius Pietzner avaient mis énormément d'effort à la réalisation de ce troisième congrès international de langue anglaise, avec la précieuse collaboration de leurs secrétaires et des autres membres de leur personnel. Ceux-ci nous ont exprimé combien ils étaient heureux de nous accueillir et tristes de nous voir repartir. Nous autres des pays de langue anglaise leur devons notre plus grande reconnaissance.
J’étais toujours au Goetheanum lorsque j'ai appris la nouvelle du décès de Heather Rombough à Edmonton. J'avais connu Heather pour la première fois en juillet 2008, deux années après qu'elle s'était fait renverser par un camion, accident dont elle ne s'est jamais complètement remise. Pourtant, Heather voulait à tout prix participer au Congrès Encircling Light et avait fait le voyage à Whitehorse, avec sa chaise roulante. Les congressistes qui l'ont connue pendant cette semaine-là ont été émus par sa joie d'être parmi nous et par son courage de profiter pleinement de chaque journée qu'il lui restait à vivre. Heather est devenue membre de la Société anthroposophique peu de temps après le congrès. Son amie Henriette van Hees d’Edmonton se joindra à d'autres pour préparer un portrait de la vie de Heather pour un prochain numéro de Glimpses.
En terminant, les responsables de Classe au Canada accueillent dans leur cercle Elizabeth White (Guelph), Michael Chapitis (Toronto), et Arthur Osmond (Nouvelle Écosse) qui assumeront la tâche de responsable de Classe dans leur région.
Je vous envoie mes meilleures pensées, et vous souhaite de la force pour tout ce qu'il vous arrivera d'entreprendre sur le chemin qui mène à la Michaëlie.
Philip Thatcher,
Secrétaire général.
Ici sur la côte ouest les journées décroissantes de la fin de l'été apportent une clarté imprégnée de fraîcheur. Le ciel du mois d'août, tinté de fumée, a cédé la place à un bleu transparent maintenant que, après l'expansion vécue durant l'été, nous rentrons en nous-mêmes.
Des membres et amis de la Société au Canada ont participé à plusieurs événements durant la période estivale, dont le Wanderseminar en Islande, qui s'est déroulé de la fin juin à la mi-juillet. Quelques-uns des Canadiens présents à cet événement avaient également participé au congrès « Encircling Light » de Whitehorse l'été dernier. Ces individus racontent que les journées passées en Islande ont été fort bonnes, en particulier les moments où ils ont pu communier avec la nature islandaise. Louise Rosch nous offre une image de ses expériences dans ce numéro de Glimpses. D'autres comptes-rendus suivront dans les prochains numéros. Ayant moi-même passé quelques jours en Islande en juillet 2008, et ayant connu les membres islandais qui ont préparé le terrain pour ce congrès, je peux témoigner de la dévotion et de l'énergie qu'ils ont pu fournir pour que l'événement soit une expérience de qualité.
D'autres parmi nous avons assisté à la nouvelle mise en scène des quatre Drames-Mystères de Rudolf Steiner et avons participé au Congrès de langue anglaise « Entering into the 21st Century Spiritually » qui a suivi ces représentations. Les quatre journées de représentations ont été fort intenses, mais la traduction simultanée du texte allemand (avec écouteurs) a permis aux spectateurs anglophones et francophones de participer pleinement à ce qui se déroulait sur la scène.
Pénétrer au cœur des Drames-Mystères, c'est le travail de toute une vie, peut-être même de plusieurs vies. Cette-fois ci, lors de ma rencontre avec ces drames, j'ai été particulièrement frappé par le caractère à la fois inéluctable et précaire des rencontres karmiques. Des luttes individuelles intimes se rencontrent, produisant des moments d'une profonde résolution lorsque les personnages sur scène se retrouvent et que la destinée se révèle; et puis, le moment de résolution finit par s'effondrer en crise à mesure que chaque nouvelle étape de développement apporte de nouveaux choix, de nouvelles rencontres avec les puissances hostiles, et le danger de perdre tout contact avec les autres en chemin. Tout au long de ce voyage, les temples d’antan cèdent la place aux temples que nous créons, individuellement et avec d'autres, dans les situations de nos vies quotidiennes. Avec des décors minimalistes et un éclairage remarquable, et rendue encore plus vivante par l'eurythmie, la nouvelle production du Goetheanum m'a permis de trouver un chemin pour pénétrer dans les Drames-Mystères.
Lors du congrès de langue anglaise qui a suivi, des participants venus du Canada, des États-Unis, du Mexique, de la Nouvelle Zélande, de la Grande-Bretagne, de l’Irlande, de la Russie, de l’Europe continentale et de l’Asie, se sont réunis autour de présentations thématiques, d'ateliers artistiques et thématiques, et d'excellents spectacles en soirée. Il est devenu clair assez rapidement qu'aucun thème ne pouvait, à lui tout seul, englober tous les aspects de ce que veut dire être spirituellement vivant et spirituellement actif à notre époque. Encore une fois, tellement dépendait des situations dans lesquelles chacun de nous se trouvait, de notre volonté de nous ouvrir, durant les présentations thématiques et les ateliers, à ce que disait l'autre – à la configuration de ses mots, à sa pensée, à ses aperçus pénétrants – d'entendre enfin quelque chose qui puisse éclairer quelque peu le chemin que nous suivons comme individus.
Virginia Sease et Cornelius Pietzner avaient mis énormément d'effort à la réalisation de ce troisième congrès international de langue anglaise, avec la précieuse collaboration de leurs secrétaires et des autres membres de leur personnel. Ceux-ci nous ont exprimé combien ils étaient heureux de nous accueillir et tristes de nous voir repartir. Nous autres des pays de langue anglaise leur devons notre plus grande reconnaissance.
J’étais toujours au Goetheanum lorsque j'ai appris la nouvelle du décès de Heather Rombough à Edmonton. J'avais connu Heather pour la première fois en juillet 2008, deux années après qu'elle s'était fait renverser par un camion, accident dont elle ne s'est jamais complètement remise. Pourtant, Heather voulait à tout prix participer au Congrès Encircling Light et avait fait le voyage à Whitehorse, avec sa chaise roulante. Les congressistes qui l'ont connue pendant cette semaine-là ont été émus par sa joie d'être parmi nous et par son courage de profiter pleinement de chaque journée qu'il lui restait à vivre. Heather est devenue membre de la Société anthroposophique peu de temps après le congrès. Son amie Henriette van Hees d’Edmonton se joindra à d'autres pour préparer un portrait de la vie de Heather pour un prochain numéro de Glimpses.
En terminant, les responsables de Classe au Canada accueillent dans leur cercle Elizabeth White (Guelph), Michael Chapitis (Toronto), et Arthur Osmond (Nouvelle Écosse) qui assumeront la tâche de responsable de Classe dans leur région.
Je vous envoie mes meilleures pensées, et vous souhaite de la force pour tout ce qu'il vous arrivera d'entreprendre sur le chemin qui mène à la Michaëlie.
Philip Thatcher,
Secrétaire général.
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