Thursday, April 10, 2014

Impressions From Eurythmy Lessons

- by Jesse Reimer-Watts

Eurythmy has been my entrance into Steiner’s work. I am now studying his writings and exploring the concepts he proposes; it would all be very cerebral if I was not practicing Eurythmy as well. The community of people that it gives me is very important; I am able to ask questions, draw from others’ life experience, and share my own journey.

My body is very important to me. It is an incredible sense organ and thinking place. When Margaret is leading me in Eurythmy I am able to process my life’s events. My emotions settle; I let go of the ones that are not serving me, and I start making new discoveries. In other words, this practice reconciles my past, calms my mind towards the future and ultimately grounds me in the present.

I love the patterns we create as a group. When I describe the practice to friends I say it has a “harvest dance ritual” feel to it. Honouring the seasons. I began this practice in the winter; I wonder what it will be in the summer, and fall? Spring has now sprung and the rhythms of the Earth are changing! So too is my body.
I aspire to teach at a Waldorf School. I am eager to learn from Margaret how to guide this wholesome practice. I am glad it is being given so freely to the community; we are very lucky to have elders offering their wisdom to us.


Jesse Reimer-Watts

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