Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thomas Meyer Returns To Canada

In April 2009, Vancouver hosted Thomas Meyer for three talks. On the Friday, Thomas spoke on Rudolf Steiner's close friends Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz, Helmuth von Moltke, and D. N. Dunlop. The talk was very well-received; the audience was silent and involved to a high degree. There was a long question-and-answer period, and even when everyone was on their feet, there was still a group of people around Thomas talking to him about these great individuals. Some books about these individualities were for sale also, such as: D. N. Dunlop - A Man Of Our Time, Light For The New Millennium (about Helmuth von Moltke), and several others.

On Saturday evening, Thomas spoke about W. J. Stein. Stein was perhaps the most interesting person in Rudolf Steiner's entourage. He came to Anthroposophy through his mother and was really the youngest of Steiner's close friends. He had achieved an experience of his own past lives during Steiner's life and received instruction from Steiner himself. Steiner's death was tragic for him on his personal path of enlightenment. Stein wrote a book on the Grail called The Ninth Century in which he researches the history of the ninth century trying to find the historical persons behind the Grail pictures. It is the most enlightened book ever produced on the subject. Stein was a great thinker with deep connections to Alchemy.

On Sunday, Thomas spoke at the Christian Community on the TAO. He connected North American native people to the Great Atlantean TAO - the Great Spirit. The audience was captivated by the journey of this word through the history of the earth right up to our present day. Again, D. N. Dunlop was mentioned. Rudolf Steiner had once said, "D. N. Dunlop is connected with all the Ancient Mysteries", which includes North American Mysteries before the white man came here.

Thomas spoke on "9/11" at the Glenora Camphill farm and the room was filled to overflowing. And his final talk before sailing off to Seattle was at Sunrise Waldorf School on Rudolf Steiner's childhood. He also covered mythological figures in the Waldorf curriculum.

This year, Thomas will be speaking three times on the Mystery Dramas of Rudolf Steiner, and he will talk at the Christian Community about the reincarnation question, using Rudolf Steiner and Thomas Aquinas as the great example for us.

For more information, please contact Ann Watson at 250-653-4184.

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